About CPH

The Center for the Preservation of Humanity came about because of a personal loss. The idea that humanity as we know it is currently being exterminated to be replaced with a variety of pseudo-humans hit home with a death in my family. I do this in love for God and love for humanity. As far-fetched as some of this sounds, we are living through a time in which all of us are subject for elimination from society as a whole. Compliance is death, non-compliance is martyrdom. We are all slated to be murdered, just as my beloved family member was. I pray this genocide is able to be stopped. If it is not able to be stopped my hope is to at least inform people of the dangers being revealed and to turn to the ultimate truth: God the Creator made mankind, we are not flawed, and Christ saved us from sin with His blood. It’s a simple mission, but one that needs to be undertaken.

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